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Carifit classes
The original Carifit experience in its original form. Cardio and Resistance Intervals (yep that is the Cari) brought to life in your local community.

Over 80% of live class attendees also use our Carifit+ carrier which includes free membership to the Carifit app so you can enjoy your favourite babywearing workouts anytime and any place - check it out by clicking here

What to expect at Carifit?
Expect 30 minutes of whole body movement, designed to connect you to your body, your baby and a brand new community of like minded new parents. Designed by a team of postnatal fitness experts Carifit live classes are proven to elevate your mood, enhance your physical recovery and further strengthen your beautiful bond with your baby.
Use code TRYCARIFIT at checkout on a single drop in class to try it for free.
Booking is easiest through TeamUp Members app where you can view everything we do!
Book a drop in class or sign up for a signature 10 week Carifit course.