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When you purchase the Carifit+ Carrier, you will receive the gift of 12 months free app membership worth £119.
24/7 support in your pocket.
If you have purchased a new Carifit+ Carrier from us or one of our retail partners around the world, find the code at the bottom of the Carifit label, on the Carrier waist band, starting CF+
This is your magic Promo Code.
If you are a new app user, click below and Sign Up for a new app account and to redeem your Promo Code.

At Carifit we place your babies development and your health and wellbeing heartbeat to heartbeat.
From core restore, return to running, antenatal Pilates to babywearing circuits, the Carifit app provides plans that adapt and change as your baby grows and your strength builds.

Carifit is about connection. Connection with your baby, with experts giving support and guidance and with a community of new parents facing challenges together and celebrating each others success.
With babywearing at the heart of the Carifit experience, expect ongoing babywearing guidance and tips and support that changes lives.

Our Consultant Paediatrician, Women's Health Physio, Sleep Consultant, Clinical Psychologist, resident GPs, nutrition and fitness experts are there to support the ups and downs of your parenting adventures.
Enjoy age and stage specific tutorials, chats, tips and hacks designed to support every moment, big or small.

Existing users
If you already have an app subscription, click HERE and Log In to redeem your Promo Code.

Want to explore
If you do not have any of these - what are you waiting for?
Go get an app subscription from the App Store and start a 7 day free trail today.